Maximizing content reuse
Content reuse is a fundamental benefit of DITA adoption, providing huge efficiency gains to authoring teams and helping to ensure the consistency of published information across an enterprise.
However, identifying potential reuse opportunities and implementing reuse strategies can be a painstaking and laborious process. As an increasing volume of content is authored in DITA across authoring teams, then invariably more content is replicated over a period of time. Keeping your content optimized for potential reuse should form part of any successful DITA implementation strategy.
Whether you’re embarking on the conversion of your content to DITA for the first time, or have existing DITA content that you would like to evaluate for additional reuse opportunities, then Stilo’s DITA OptimizeR can help.
With DITA OptimizeR you can

Significantly reduce the amount of content that needs to be maintained on an ongoing basis

Generate more focussed and rapid search engine results for customer queries

Publish more accurate and normalized content, especially important in potentially hazardous and highly regulated environments
DITA OptimizeR forms part of a new services offer from Stilo comprising 4 easy steps

Load DITA content collections into OptimizeR to automatically identify topic and element-level reuse opportunities

Allow OptimizeR to deduplicate exact and near-exact matches after making your reuse decisions

Quality Check
Ensure quality assurance by reviewing results with your team

Download your deduplicated content along with updated maps and conref files
Try DITA OptimizeR for free!
See for yourself how you can automatically identify reuse potential across your DITA content, deduplicate topics and update your maps and conref files. We offer a free trial analysis with OptimizeR - simply send us a small sample set of DITA content, and we will review the results with you.
Why Stilo?
Stilo has been involved in the development of structured content tools and technologies for more than three decades, helping major organizations solve some of the most complex content processing problems. We are the developers of OmniMark, an SGML/XML content processing language and Migrate, a ground-breaking cloud XML content conversion service. We have helped our customers convert over a million pages of content to the XML DITA specification from source formats including Word, FrameMaker, InDesign, RoboHelp and Madcap Flare.
What if you still need to convert content to DITA?
Stilo’s Migrate is a unique, well-established cloud service that enables technical authoring teams to automate the conversion of content to DITA XML from source formats including Word, FrameMaker, RoboHelp and XML/SGML/HTML. We have helped our customers convert more than a million pages of content to DITA XML over recent years, and our technology, along with our accumulated experience, places us at the forefront of DITA conversion specialists.