Are there guidelines for involving subject matter experts (SMEs) in DITA-based defense documentation reviews?

Involving subject matter experts (SMEs) in DITA-based defense documentation reviews is a crucial step to ensure the accuracy and relevance of content. SMEs bring their specialized knowledge to the review process, making it vital to establish clear guidelines for their participation. Here are some key considerations for involving SMEs effectively:

1. Define Roles and Responsibilities: Clearly define the roles of SMEs in the review process. This may include roles like “Technical Reviewer” or “Content Validator.” Specify their responsibilities, such as evaluating technical accuracy, verifying compliance with standards, or confirming the relevance of content to the defense context.


Defining SME roles and responsibilities in DITA:

<role>Technical Reviewer</role>
<role>Content Validator</role>
<p;task id="task1">
  <title>Create Technical Manual</title>
  <!-- Content goes here -->

<p;task id="task2">
  <title>Technical Review</title>
  <!-- SME feedback goes here -->

2. Collaborative Review Tools: Utilize collaborative DITA authoring and review tools that allow SMEs to provide feedback directly within the documentation. These tools can track changes, comments, and suggestions, making it easier to manage and address SME input efficiently.


Using a DITA collaborative review tool:

  <p;content><!-- SME: Dr. Smith -->This section needs to include information about the latest defense regulations.</content>

3. Regular Communication: Maintain open and regular communication with SMEs. Provide them with the necessary context about the project, the objectives, and the audience. Schedule meetings or discussions to address questions and clarify any ambiguities.

By following these guidelines, you can effectively involve SMEs in DITA-based defense documentation reviews, leveraging their expertise to enhance the quality and accuracy of the content.