How are translation memories (TMs) and glossaries integrated into DITA translation workflows?

Integration of translation memories (TMs) and glossaries into DITA translation workflows significantly enhances efficiency and consistency in the localization process. These resources ensure that previously translated content and approved terminology are leveraged, resulting in cost savings and improved translation quality. Here’s how TMs and glossaries are integrated into DITA translation workflows:

Content Alignment

During the initiation of a translation project, the existing DITA content is aligned with the TM. Alignment is the process of identifying corresponding segments between the source DITA documents and their translated versions in the TM. This alignment allows the translation tool to identify exact or similar matches for content, and translators can reuse these segments. The alignment also preserves the DITA structure of topics and elements, ensuring that translated content fits seamlessly into the original structure.

Terminology Management

Glossaries play a crucial role in maintaining consistent terminology across DITA documents. These glossaries include approved translations for specific terms and phrases. Translation tools integrate glossaries, providing translators with instant access to approved terminology. When a translator encounters a term listed in the glossary, the tool suggests the approved translation, ensuring consistency. Any changes or additions to the glossary are reflected in subsequent translations, preserving uniform terminology across DITA content.


Here’s an example of how TMs and glossaries are integrated into a DITA translation workflow:

<task id="translation_integration">
  <title>Integration of TMs and Glossaries</title>
    <step>Align source DITA content with the translation memory (TM).</step>
    <step>Translate content, reusing segments from the TM.</step>
    <step>Access approved terminology from the glossary during translation.</step>
    <step>Review and finalize translations.</step>

This DITA task outlines the workflow, including aligning content with the TM, using the TM for translations, and referring to the glossary for consistent terminology, resulting in efficient and high-quality DITA translations.