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Saving Your Rule Set

< 1 min read

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For your rule set changes to take effect, you must save the changes back to the Migrate server.

The rules editor indicates that you have made modifications to your rules in a few different ways.

  • A star is placed on the tab for the rules grid, indicating at least one rule has been added, modified or deleted.
  • A red triangle is placed in the rules grid for each modified rules.
  • A strike through is used to indicate deleted rules in the rules grid.
  • The save and revert buttons are only enabled if the rule set has been changed.

Procedure #

  1. Click the Save button at the bottom of the panel on the right hand side of the rules editor.

Result #

The rule set has been saved. The conversion of any documents associated with this rule set will use the updated rules. You may also reapply the updated rule set to the current document.