ARTICLE | Getting great DITA conversion results

Although conversion is only a small part of your DITA adoption project, it’s the part that causes even smart people to break out into hives. How does one go from a regular, flat document to a series of DITA topics and maps with the correct markup? How do you do that without losing important information? What’s the best way to do it? What tools do you use? How do you start?

WEBINAR | A Tale of Two Formats; Creating content with Word and DITA XML simultaneously

Join Catherine Long and Rich Perry of Varian Medical Systems as they explain how you can make the process of moving to DITA easier (and at your own pace), and perhaps cheaper, for everyone involved with a dual publishing approach.

Stilo extends Migrate functionality with new Author-it to DITA conversion capability

Stilo has extended the range of conversion options for its cloud XML content conversion service, Migrate, adding support for documents authored in Author-it.