
Table of Contents

Syntax #

level is the nesting level of the title.

Purpose #

The p.title.related-link-list tags a paragraph as being the title of a list of related links. This clearly marks the beginning and states the purpose of the list.

Examples #

The following is an example of a time where you might want to use the p.title.related-link-list annotation:

The following is an example of a rule that will apply p.title.related-link-list:

The following is an example of the DITA output you would get from this annotation.


<title>Related Links</title>
<link href="http://www.stilo.com">
<linktext>Link 1</linktext>
<link href="http://www.stilo.com">
<linktext>Link 2</linktext>
</related-links></titlealts></titlealts><title>Figure 2. Happy Face</title></fig>